Mikor néhány éve Jason Momoa Magyarországon járt, kiderült, hogy van egy magyar srác, aki a megszólalásig hasonlít rá.
Ő volt a sztár dublőre is a forgatások során, amikor a Dűne című filmet vették fel.
Megyeri Balázs ráadásul már többször is együtt dolgozott a jóképű hawaii színésszel.
Minden jel arra mutat, hogy Jason Momoa nagyon elégedett vele, ezt nem csodáljuk.
Tényleg hihetetlen a hasonlóság. Balázs egy, a színésszel közös képet is kitett közösségi oldalára:
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A long and hard, but magical and unforgettable journey leading to Arrakis, I wouldn’t trade a single moment. And the real journey, the real adventure, is just beginning. I am indescribably grateful that there was room for me on board as well. Being with both the director icon, Denis Villeneuve, and the actor legends in an adaptation of a Frank Herbert book, though, is truly a lifelong experience and a fantastic honor. But still the dearest benefit to me for the Dune is that I was able to work with my Brother. I was a cursed, space assassin Sardaukar soldier and I also had to jump into some scenes instead of Jason Momoa. Thank you Jason @prideofgypsies for your inspiring example, humanity, professionalism, environmental responsibility, and last but not least, thank you for working together! Mahalo Aquaman, God bless you! Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, Mr. Jason Momoa, and some hippie! Special Thanks to: @balint.megyeri , Dora Takacs, Kim Fardy @kim_fardy and Damien Bray @da_bray ! Happy Birthday, Hungary! #shooting #double #jasonmomoa #aquaman #rocknroll
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A többi képből talán még jobban látszik, hogy Balázs tényleg Jason Momoa szakasztott mása, és legalább annyira jóképű is:
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Years ago my heart thought no to go on and just stopped functioning. Sometime after that I got better but I had an accident. I fractured lot of bones, my organs were badly damaged. The doctors did not encourage me with any good prospects, so I wasn’t even sure if I would be able to talk, walk or hold anything in my hand at all for the rest of my life. There are countless surgeries, the number of medications and treatments I could have known behind me over the years. I lost weight first, then I gained weight, I weakened. My role model and hero, my Father would always tell me that a man must be able to keep 5 things in life: the pace, the payment, bearing punishment, a promise, and his mouth shut. Sometimes I went to bed in tears and hands shaking because of the pain. but I had to learn to tolerate and believe, in silence. I am unspeakably grateful to my Brother, my family, and my friends for holding my hand. When I was well on my way to improvement, a sad time of humanity began: Amazonia, Australia, Pandemic …. Taking advantage of this period, I wanted to reach the limits of my physical stamina and get the most out of myself. The fate brought this together with the best trainer, who is also my friend, Márk Kaszás, @mark.kaszas! Thank you for your motivation, encouragement, professionalism, patience and friendship! I don’t consider myself special or heroic, and I’m no different than anyone else, I just firmly believe. Ernest Hemingway once wrote, “The World is a beautiful place, it’s worth fighting for,” I definitely agree with the second half! There is always a reason to fight, but as you fight, let’s look at the road as well! @itsvictorsabo @melindataylor_makeup #nevergiveup #photoshoot #workout #justdoit #faith #longhairman #manbuns #manbun #longhairstyles #bearded #beardie #bearding #beardstyles #beardgame #menwithlonghair #guywithlonghair #longhaircut
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